Li Ronghao lost the iPad and issued a message saying that he hopes that he will not expose the sho

Home >Entertainment > Li Ronghao lost the iPad and issued a message saying that he hopes that he will not expose the sho

2019-02-14 14:34:27 187 Views Tags:Li Ronghao ipad ,  IPAD lost ,  exposure short film ,  Beijing Railway Bureau


Li Ronghao took the high-speed train in Beijing on the afternoon of the 12th, but when he got off the bus, he accidentally missed the tablet in his seat. Immediately after calling, he called the train conductor and asked the other party to say that he did not see it. Therefore, he sent a message to the Beijing Railway Bureau that night. Ask for help, ask if you can help to monitor and monitor, the text is more frankly very anxious for this, he also hopes that people who come to pick up, do not put the information inside the network.

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