Yue Yunpeng's comics Xiao Xiu's work, don't look at the time of eating, full of laugh

Home >Entertainment > Yue Yunpeng's comics Xiao Xiu's work, don't look at the time of eating, full of laugh

2019-02-13 15:36:02 Views Tags:Yue Yunpeng ,  comic works ,  work peak ,  Sun Yue partner ,  latest cross talks


Yue Yunpeng's latest cross talks, taking a new height. Yue Yunpeng is a real skin. This comic dialogue is a show of the flower, and the applause of the audience has not stopped. Yue Yunpeng's cross-talking work, don't look at it when you eat, laugh at all, never tired of it. Yue Yunpeng's comic dialogue is poisonous, and a serious nonsense, whoever refuses to accept him. Yue Yunpeng said that the audience was screaming, Xiaoyue Yue was anxious. I didn't say it, it was really interesting. Yue Yunpeng, Sun Yue partner, standing are jokes.

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