Zhu Zhengting was exposed to the pressure of marriage. The mother was anxious to embrace her grandso

Home >Entertainment > Zhu Zhengting was exposed to the pressure of marriage. The mother was anxious to embrace her grandso

2019-02-13 14:51:19 538 Views Tags:Zhu Zhengting ,  urges marriage ,  marriage pressure ,  family responsibility


Recently, "Leehua Seven Sons" was interviewed. Zhu Zhengting was exposed to pressure. The reason was that her mother was anxious to hug her grandson. He said: "I have discussed this issue several times. I told them that it was still early, at least ten years later. I will If you think of a man, you should first establish a career and become a family." He even more bluntly said that if a man has to bear the responsibility of raising a family, if he can't afford his wife and son, he should not marry or fall in love. Then the players around him shouted loudly, and played the role of Zhu Mama: "The son grew up!"

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