Wu Xin responded to crying on the show: crying and continuing to pursue dreams and life

Home >Entertainment > Wu Xin responded to crying on the show: crying and continuing to pursue dreams and life

2019-02-13 13:03:24 179 Views Tags:New Year program ,  Wu Hao cried ,  regained confidence ,  pursued dreams


In the program, Wu Hao recalled that in the arrangement of a New Year's program, due to the limitation of time, he had to make a deletion, and only the host's own program was cancelled. Referring to this, she choked to say nothing. Wu Hao bluntly said that her attack on her was not small at the time. At that time, she felt that she was very bad, but it became a turning point in her career, and she gradually regained her confidence. At the same time, she also talked about her anxiety caused by age and emotional empty window, but also did not want to be a transition period of other people's feelings, indicating her own emotional attitude.

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