The supporting actress in Going back is more popular than the heroine, Tang Yan can say that she doe

Home >Entertainment > The supporting actress in Going back is more popular than the heroine, Tang Yan can say that she doe

2019-01-02 15:37:25 Views Tags:Going back ,  supporting actress ,  popular than heroine ,  Tang Yan


Mentioned of Tang Yan, the most impressive role is probably the Zi Xuan in Chinese Paladin, a smile and a singularity, the image of the sorrowful sorrowful sorrow is regarded as the goddess. Although Zi Xuan is not a heroine, it is the most classic role of Tang Yan. After that, although she played many heroine in TV dranmas, she always sneaked a shot on the second female, and was even called by the netizens. Red female two physique.

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