Touched! The seriously ill daughter was discharged from the hospital, and the self-made father’s home made 2 square meters of dialysis room to save his life.

Home >Anecdote > Touched! The seriously ill daughter was discharged from the hospital, and the self-made father’s home made 2 square meters of dialysis room to save his life.



Recently, at the construction site of a large stone factory in Wangzhai, Zhangzhou City, 42-year-old Lu Xiaomin told us about the family's misfortune and misfortune while working. Her weak body and the surrounding labor seem to be somewhat out of place. Lu Xiaomin said that she goes from 6:30 in the morning to 7:00 in the evening. There is an hour of eating time in the middle. Although she is very tired, she must insist on her daughter.

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