But he was admitted by 985 schools with a total score of 428 in the college entrance examination and a score of 6 in his composition. -
Why are there so many crows in the Forbidden City? You must have never thought of the answer! -
A beautiful woman gives her tongue plastic surgery, and a snake's tongue is not as flexible as hers. -
Men race in the desert, and find an accident car. The interior picture is unforgettable for life! -
Why is the touch of cat's tongue so rough @Youzhi subtitle group -
Why can't we even use the WIFI on the train, but we can't use it? The stewardess is helpless to reveal the truth, 50p -
The real tiger was preyed by pythons, but the king of the forest could not beat a snake. -
Daily Shoe Dog.. Is the last point right? -
After a hurricane, tell me how long you have been in the dark before coming here. -
Speech by professor: What does an ordinary professor think of his country?
Home >Anecdote > Dark, rainy night, please slow down when driving
When driving at night, be sure to slow down and care for your own life.
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