Survey on hair loss among college students: more than 50% of college students have hair loss problems, and Stay up late insomnia is the main reason

Home >Life > Survey on hair loss among college students: more than 50% of college students have hair loss problems, and Stay up late insomnia is the main reason



With the change of living habits, hair loss has become one of the most worrying problems for young people. China Youth Network Campus News Agency conducted a questionnaire survey on 643 college students in China. The results showed that more than 50% of college students had hair loss problems. Half of them began to lose their hair during college. Over 70% of them were in a slight state of hair loss. Over 60% of them had taken measures to alleviate hair loss. Nearly 80% of them believed that hair loss affected their study and life, and over 70% thought that hair loss would make their mood worse.“ Over 90% of the students thought that staying up late less could alleviate hair loss.

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