Mao Xiaotong was thrown into the trash by his father and is now a popular star. His father asked for 50 million alimony.

Home >Entertainment > Mao Xiaotong was thrown into the trash by his father and is now a popular star. His father asked for 50 million alimony.



In the history of China's 5,000 years, a "filial piety" has been deeply integrated into this country. In the blood of this nation, the mother is filial piety. This has nothing to do with poverty and wealth. It is an instinct of the Chinese people. Today's female lord, who was 1 year old, was thrown into the trash can by her father. Thanks to her mother's return, her father was 50 million alimony after her fame. The lawyer's answer was irritating. She is Mao Xiaotong.

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