Chen Hao praised Chen Yinyi for his child-raising skills, and revealed that the child is very sticky.

Home >Entertainment > Chen Hao praised Chen Yinyi for his child-raising skills, and revealed that the child is very sticky.

2019-03-25 16:32:58 Views Tags:Chen hao actor ,  Hong Kong media report ,  Children sticky ,  aimee chan ,  陈豪


According to Hong Kong media reports, Chen Hao attended the dinner and mentioned that this time alone, he said that his wife, Aimee, wants to stay at home to take care of the children: "It’s my turn to do things today. In fact, every time I go out to work, I have to make sure that there is a When adults look at children at home, we will be relieved. (Children are very sticky?) They are all sticky! If we go out to work, we will inform him two weeks or even a month ago, so that they have a mental preparation, so Not very naughty. (Before you go out, they will be reluctant?) Don't talk about the field, usually go out to work in Hong Kong, they have to hold each other and kiss us to let us go, but we enjoy it, this is Children's fun. (You are a pro-maid all day, will they have a kind of learning?) Our family is very democratic, we don't know what to do, so the family is very loving."

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