Husband's perspective! Kunling and the beautiful scenery together Zhou Dong proudly show off: I

Home >Entertainment > Husband's perspective! Kunling and the beautiful scenery together Zhou Dong proudly show off: I

2019-02-15 15:21:21 Views Tags:Jay Chou ,  Jay Chou wife ,  Kun Ling ,  proud to show off


Kunling has a beautiful photo on his personal account. In the photo, Kunling is in the background of beautiful scenery. It also has a great praise: "It is like taking a photo with such a picture!" Husband Jay Chou commented in the comments. "I am such a good photographer, don't thank me." The words are full of pride and show off, netizens have commented: "I can't wait for prevention is a dog food!" "Jingmei people are more beautiful!"

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