Di Lireba said that after being rejected, he would not be entangled: he was hurtful and self-respect

Home >Entertainment > Di Lireba said that after being rejected, he would not be entangled: he was hurtful and self-respect

2019-02-12 14:30:26 Views Tags:Dili Reba ,  love concept ,  fire like a song ,  confession ,  dare love hate


For "love", she admits that she will never fall in love with a lover like a master, nor will she refuse to let go after being rejected by the other party and hurt her heart. "Like a song is a girl who dares to love and hate. I can't understand the change of the master, I believe that he has a hard time, so if the song has never wanted to give up, because she is not reconciled." And was asked if he would make such a choice if he met such a lover? Di Lieba said, "I feel that if the other party is arrogant, don't worry about it! This will be very strange. I think it hurts my self-esteem."

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