Steamed egg with Toona sinensis is beautiful color, taste delicious, aromatic Nenhua young and old s

Home >Cate > Steamed egg with Toona sinensis is beautiful color, taste delicious, aromatic Nenhua young and old s

2018-12-11 15:47:56 Views Tags:Steamed eggs ,  tender ,  delicious ,  gourmet ,  materials


1. Break the eggs in a small bowl, put a little salt and monosodium glutamate, mix well with chopsticks, and add the Toona sinensis and mix well.2. Then, while adding water, continue to stir with chopsticks.3, the water is best overnight hot water or warm boiled water, if you like to eat harder, you can add less water, if you like soft, you can add more water.4, just be sure to stir evenly, then the top of the floating foam with a small spoon.5, you can cut some diced green on top, or you can not put it, then steamed on the pot.6. After cooking, add soy sauce and sesame oil and you can enjoy it.7, if you are afraid of cooking, it is best to buckle a plate on the small basin. There will be no honeycomb.

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