Guizhou has a bridge, in order to prevent Jiao Jiao, hanging a sword under the bridge, no one dares to steal it for a hundred years! 5Lp -
The only place in the world where men do not marry, women do not marry, can climb into women's "flower house" in the middle of the night to reproduce their offspring! -
China's favorite village to eat raw oysters, and use them to build houses, now it has been 600 years! OkJ -
The prophecy comes true! Important news from Japanese media, submergence in the seabed, has confirmed that millions of people are in deep misfortune. -
Mother monkey only considers herself eating. When it responds, the little monkey is already cold. -
Microblog wins 30,000 kilograms of watermelon. All female students give it to bus drivers. -
A plane that is preparing for Skydiving collided with another aircraft. -
What if the universe was white? -
The world's most "valuable" people, flesh and blood is more expensive than gold, do not dare to go out without special police protection! -
Magic people, when they get married, they will be pinched. The more painful they pinch, the deeper the blessing. 26X
Home >Anecdote > It's all thunderstorms! China Eastern Airlines Flight 1 takes off twice in 2 days and returns to Shanghai twice.
It's all thunderstorms! China Eastern Airlines Flight 1 takes off twice in 2 days and returns to Shanghai twice.
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