The beauty of the Thai beauty contest "Miss Durian" Aoom is not lost.

Home >Entertainment > The beauty of the Thai beauty contest "Miss Durian" Aoom is not lost.

2019-07-05 17:32:17 Views Tags:Thai beauty ,  Aoom 2019 Thai beauty ,  best thai beauty near me


Remember the beauty of the 2017 Thailand Beauty Contest? In the twinkling of an eye, the 2019 contest started again. This time I saw the old acquaintance Aoom at the opening ceremony. Although it has been two years, many people still can't forget the way she wore durian on the stage that year. She did not win the championship in that competition, but the appearance of Miss Durian is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This year, she also attended this beauty contest event. She was dressed in a beautiful dress and the style was better than that.

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