14-year-old starring in TV series, Jin Dong acted as his supporting role. Now he is 28 years old, can you recognize him?

Home >Entertainment > 14-year-old starring in TV series, Jin Dong acted as his supporting role. Now he is 28 years old, can you recognize him?

2019-06-28 19:25:06 Views Tags:Xiaoding Dang Xie Yunshan ,  Youth Imperial Officer ,  Doudin Adventures ,  Jin Dong


The boy, Xie Yunshan, was born in Beijing in 1990. He starred in "The Adventures of Doudin" in 1997. In 2004, he cooperated with old operas like Zeng Zhiwei and Wu Mengda in the TV drama "The Great Imperial Delegation of Youth". At the age of 14, he was the star of the drama. Jin Dong acted as a supporting actor at that time.

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