The New York police announced that Etika, the famous anchor who had disappeared before, had passed away. In April this year, due to the suicidal tendency, he was taken away by the police for protection purposes during the live broadcast. In May, he was sent to the hospital again because of a dispute with a police officer. Last week, Etika disappeared after uploading a farewell video. The police found his personal belongings by the Manhattan Bridge and found his body near the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday.

Home >Entertainment > The New York police announced that Etika, the famous anchor who had disappeared before, had passed away. In April this year, due to the suicidal tendency, he was taken away by the police for protection purposes during the live broadcast. In May, he was sent to the hospital again because of a dispute with a police officer. Last week, Etika disappeared after uploading a farewell video. The police found his personal belongings by the Manhattan Bridge and found his body near the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday.



In April this year, due to the suicidal tendency, he was taken away by the police for protection purposes during the live broadcast. In May, he was sent to the hospital again because of a dispute with a police officer. Last week, Etika disappeared after uploading a farewell video. The police found his personal belongings by the Manhattan Bridge and found his body near the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday.

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