The famous Chinese pianist Lang Lang Versailles was married and played the piano with Jay Chou QingHuaCi.

Home >Entertainment > The famous Chinese pianist Lang Lang Versailles was married and played the piano with Jay Chou QingHuaCi.



Lang Lang and his 24-year-old German-German pianist Gina Alice held a wedding in Versailles, France on June 2, and friends Jay Chou and Kunling also joined hands. At the dinner party, Lang Lang and Gina Alice's impromptu four-handed bullets, Jay Chou also came to the stage to congratulate. It is reported that after the French wedding ceremony, the two newcomers will return to Lang Lang's hometown Liaoning Office to thank the banquet. Lang Lang posted a live photo on Weibo and wrote, "Thank you for your family and friends to attend my wedding." In the video streaming from the scene, Lang Lang also teamed up with Jay Chou to play Jay Chou's masterpiece QingHuaCi.

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